Date | Field | Home | Away | Score/Innings |
Tue 04/30/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Willow Street Pub | Seven Sirens 15-13 (7) |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Stahleys | Hippos 16-15 (8.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru Daddys 18-7 (7) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grille | Strange Brew Tavern | PPD SBT 13-11 (6) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Scottys Wanderers | Scottys 28-10 (7) |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | The Scabs | Scabs 27-6 (7) |
Thu 05/02/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hammerhead 15-0 (7) FFT |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | AutoProved | Scabs 23-2 (6.5) |
| Canal Park | West Catty Fire Co. | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 29-5 (7) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | The Ceiling Guys | SBT 14-10 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Scottys Wanderers | Bru Daddys 17-13 (8.5) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Seven Sirens Brewery | Stahleys 18-8 |
Tue 05/07/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | West Catty Fire Co. | West Catty 15-14 |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | AutoProved | Hippos 35-3 (7) |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Strange Brew Tavern | PPD DH 6/13 |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | The Ceiling Guys | Hammerhead 17-16 (11) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | The Scabs | Bru 16-13 (8.5) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Willow Street Pub | Stahleys 17-13 (8.5) |
Thu 05/09/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Scottys Wanderers | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hippos 10-8 (8.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | The Scabs | Scabs 21-6 (8) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Seven Sirens Brewery | SBT 14-12 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Stahleys | Bru 24-23 |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | AutoProved | AutoProved 26-11 (7) |
Tue 05/14/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | The Ceiling Guys | PPD |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | The Scabs | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Stahleys | PPD |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Willow Street Pub | PPD |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Bru Daddys Brewing | PPD |
Thu 05/16/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Hungry Hungry Hippos | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Seven Sirens Brewery | PPD |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Stahleys | Stahleys 14-3 |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | AutoProved | Hammerhead 16-10 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Strange Brew Tavern | PPD |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | The Ceiling Guys | PPD |
Tue 05/21/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 39-3 (7) |
| Scherersville 2 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Bru 21-6 (6.5) |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | West Catty Fire Co. | Scottys 23-3 (6.5) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Willow Street Pub | SBT 19-9 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | The Ceiling Guys | Ceiling Guys 33-21 |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | The Scabs | Stahleys 24-23 |
Thu 05/23/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | AutoProved | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Strange Brew Tavern | PPD |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Willow Street Pub | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Scottys Wanderers | PPD |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Hungry Hungry Hippos | PPD |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Stahleys | PPD |
Tue 05/28/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | West Catty Fire Co. | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | PPD |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | The Ceiling Guys | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 17-0 (7) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Seven Sirens Brewery | Bru 26-2 (6.5) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | AutoProved | Stahleys 22-4 (6.5) |
Thu 05/30/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | The Ceiling Guys | Ceiling Guys 21-4 (8) |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Willow Street Pub | Scabs 20-8 |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 24-21 (10) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Stahleys | Stahleys 25-4 (7) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | AutoProved | Bru 21-6 (8) |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Strange Brew Tavern | SBT 20-15 |
Tue 06/04/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru 19-15 |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | The Scabs | Scabs 14-12 |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Seven Sirens Brewery | Seven Sirens 14-8 |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | West Catty Fire Co. | Hammerhead 32-18 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Strange Brew Tavern | SBT 28-12 (7) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | The Ceiling Guys | Stahleys 18-3 (8) |
Thu 06/06/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Seven Sirens Brewery | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | West Catty Fire Co. | PPD |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | AutoProved | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | SBT 22-12 (9) Hammer 17-1 (5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | The Ceiling Guys | PPD |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 23-22 (10) |
Tue 06/11/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Stahleys | Stahleys 32-16 (8) |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | West Catty Fire Co. | Hippos 34-11 (6.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Strange Brew Tavern | Ceiling Guys 14-10 (8.5) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Willow Street Pub | Willow 15-10 |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | The Scabs | Scabs 25-5 (7) |
| Alton 1 | Scottys Wanderers | Bru Daddys Brewing | Scottys 11-10 (8.5) |
Thu 06/13/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Stahleys | Willow Street 19-12 (8.5) |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Bru Daddys Brewing | Scabs 23-16 |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hammerhead 20-3 (7) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Scottys Wanderers | SBT 14-12 Scottys 12-9 |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 24-9 (8) |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Seven Sirens Brewery | Seven Sirens 40-11 (7) |
Tue 06/18/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Strange Brew Tavern | SBT 27-6 (7) |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | The Ceiling Guys | Scabs 15-6 (8.5) |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Willow Street Pub | Scottys 13-5 (7) Scottys 15-13 (7) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 19-17 |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | West Catty Fire Co. | Autoproved FFT 15-0 |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Bru Daddys Brewing | Stahleys 11-9 (8.5) |
Thu 06/20/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | AutoProved | Autoproved 24-9 (6.5) Willow 24-23 (7) |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Scottys Wanderers | Scabs 22-4 (4) Scabs 14-3 (7) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 14-2 (5) Hippos 14-4 (4.5) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Seven Sirens Brewery | Hammer 15-11 (6.5) Hammer 17-9 (7) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | West Catty Fire Co. | Bru 22-0 (6.5) Bru 12-8 (6) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Strange Brew Tavern | Stahleys 26-16(9) Stahleys 7-6 (6.5) |
Tue 06/25/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | The Scabs | Scabs 23-8 (6) Scabs 19-2 (5) |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Willow Street Pub | Hippos 16-15 (7) Willow 15-11 (6.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | West Catty Fire Co. | Ceiling Guys 22-7 (4) Celing Guys 21-5 (5) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | Bru Daddys Brewing | SBT 16-15 (7) Bru 20-11 (5.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hammerhead 35-6 (7) |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Scottys Wanderers | Stahleys 22-8 (8.5) |
Thu 06/27/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Strange Brew Tavern | SBT 24-15 |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Stahleys | Scabs 22-15 (8.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | AutoProved | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru 25-4 (7) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Seven Sirens Brewery | Hippos 34-10 (6.5) |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Scottys Wanderers | Scottys 27-11 (7) |
Tue 07/02/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | The Ceiling Guys | Willow 12-11 Ceiling 16-10 |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru 14-12 Bru 11-8 (6.5) |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hammer 8-6 Hammer 18-8 (5) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | The Scabs | Scabs 23-3 (3) Scabs 13-10 |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Seven Sirens Brewery | Sirens 14-11 Sirens 15-14 |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | West Catty Fire Co. | Stahleys 11-5 Stahleys 20-1(4-5) |
Tue 07/09/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru 25-4 (7) |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Strange Brew Tavern | Hippos 21-9 (8.5) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Scottys Wanderers | Scottys 20-17 (7) Ceiling 20-5 (5) |
| Alton 2 | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | The Scabs | Scabs 18-4 (5) Scabs 18-7 (5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Stahleys | Stahleys 36-16 |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Willow Street Pub | Willow St 20-7 (8) |
Thu 07/11/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | The Scabs | PPD |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Scottys Wanderers | PPD |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Seven Sirens Brewery | PPD |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | West Catty Fire Co. | SBT 16-5 |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Bru Daddys Brewing | PPD |
| Alton 1 | Stahleys | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Stahleys 20-19 |
Tue 07/16/24 | Scherersville 3 | Seven Sirens Brewery | Scottys Wanderers | Scottys 28-13 |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Hippos 28-22 |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Stahleys | Ceiling Guys 19-12 (8.5) |
| Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | AutoProved | PPD |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Willow Street Pub | PPD |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | PPD |
Thu 07/18/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | Seven Sirens Brewery | Willow St 27-8 |
| Scherersville 2 | The Scabs | West Catty Fire Co. | Scabs 15-0 FFT |
| Canal Park | Scottys Wanderers | AutoProved | Scottys 15-4 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | The Ceiling Guys | Ceiling Guys 18-11 |
Tue 07/23/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | The Scabs | Scabs 42-18 (8) |
| Scherersville 2 | Hungry Hungry Hippos | Scottys Wanderers | Hippos 19-4 (8) |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | Seven Sirens Brewery | Ceiling Guys 27-7 (6.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | AutoProved | Bru Daddys Brewing | Bru 16-13 |
| Alton 1 | West Catty Fire Co. | Hammerhead Hops & Grill | Hammerhead 21-5 |
Thu 07/25/24 | Alton 2 | Strange Brew Tavern | AutoProved | SBT 22-13 (8.5) |
| Cedarbrook 5 | Bru Daddys Brewing | Willow Street Pub | Bru 25-5 (6.5) |
Tue 07/30/24 | Scherersville 3 | Willow Street Pub | West Catty Fire Co. | West Catty 15-0 FFT |
| Canal Park | The Ceiling Guys | AutoProved | Ceiling Guys 15-0 FFT |
Date | Field | Home | Away | Score/Innings |
Tue 08/13/24 |
Playoff Game | Alton 4 @ 6:00pm | Stahleys | Hammerhead | Hammerhead 10-9 |
Playoff Game | Alton 1 @ 6:00pm | Bru Daddys | Strange Brew | Bru 20-6 |
Thu 8/15/24 |
Playoff Game | Alton 1 @ 6:00pm | Scabs | Hammerhead | Scabs 19-13 |
Playoff Game | Alton 4 @ 6:00pm | Hippos | Bru Daddys | Hippos 12-4 |
Tue 8/20/24 |
League Championship | Alton 1 @ 6:00pm | Scabs | Hippos | |
Sat 08/17/24 | Alton Park | Tournament | Games 1, 2, 3 | |
Sun 08/18/24 | Alton Park | Tournament | Games 4, 5, Semis & Finals | |